TIE Fighter WIP Update 03


TIE Fighter WIP Update 03

I've made some real progress on the wing, but I was still being held up by the sense of scale. It's hard enough building something that really only serves whatever purpose your mind gives it (is that a small motor or is that a battery?). But when you loose a sense of scale too, that's where the trouble starts to creep in.


TIE Fighter WIP Update 02

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TIE Fighter WIP Update 02

It's finally starting to take some shape. It's been pretty interesting working with all these geometric shapes- which has really helped with the speed of this build. I unfortunately didn't get to work on this project much tonight, but I still got a change to flesh out some of the smaller details as you may note. 

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Gaia Crafting - Banners for Days


Gaia Crafting - Banners for Days

Recently I was contacted to work on a number of website banners for an extremely awesome Etsy store; Gaia Crafting. I was asked to keep the design fairly simple, as the website banners printed on her receipts as well. Additionally, the designs should utilize some of her products in the design.


TIE Fighter WIP Update 01


TIE Fighter WIP Update 01

It's been a while since I've worked on anything in 3D and I've been feeling inspired by the Star Wars Episode VII trailers. Confused what this is? It should reveal itself pretty quickly in the coming updates.


Capturing the DIY feel: A LOTC Project


Capturing the DIY feel: A LOTC Project

When I was tasked with creating a brand identity for Lettering on the Cheap, my employer Shane Willems spoke loud and clear; give our audience a do-it-yourself home for their projects. There is real logic behind his statement and it provided the basis for all designs moving forward. But how could a Custom Vinyl company become a DIY hub?
